Psychotic is a stimulant-based supplement that is used 20 to 30 minutes before your workout. It’s loaded with several high-octane ingredients that have been shown to provide a number of fitness benefits including increased energy, greater strength output, and amped-up endurance. This unique formula has been shown to last for as long as three hours, making it ideal for any workout.
ENERGY. FOCUS. ENDURANCE. STRENGTH. If having a substantial energy and strength boost that keeps going long after your workout has ended, Insane Labz PSYCHOTIC is the only choice. Loaded with Beta-Alanine, Creatine Monohydrate and DMAE to boost endurance and focus to get you through the toughest workouts.
BEST TASTING: How often do you taste a pre-workout and immediately want to throw it away? Psychotic has the best tasting flavors of any pre-workout and it’s really not close.